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Brittany Spaniel

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General Appearance

A compact, closely knit dog of medium size, a leggy dog having the appearance, as well as the agility, of a great ground coverer. Strong, vigorous, energetic and quick of movement. Ruggedness, without clumsiness, is a characteristic of the breed. He can be tailless or has a tail docked to approximately four inches.

Size, Proportion, Substance


Neck, Topline, Body







Clubs, Registries & Associations

American Canine Association Continental Kennel Club Universal Kennel Club International American Kennel Club United All Breed Registry America's Pet Registry, Inc. United Kennel Club (Based on breed recognition. See store for details on this particular puppy.)



Health Awareness


Exercise/Energy Level

Additional Information

Did you know?

The Brittany Spaniel is the state dog of Missouri The Brittany Spaniel was accepted by the AKC in 1944, but the American Brittany Club wanted the breed recognized simply as the Brittany. However, it was notable that the Brittany hunted less like a spaniel than as a pointer hunting dog, so the name was changed to "Brittany" in 1982. The Brittany's hunting style most resembles the German Shorthaired Pointer