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Brussels Griffon

Tipping the scales at no more than 12 pounds, this humanlike toy of complex character has enough personality for 10 ordinary dogs. A sensitive companion for discerning grownups, the Brussels Griffon is smart, devoted, and comically self-important.

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Breed Traits






Size, Proportion, Substance

Size - Weight usually 8 to 10 pounds, and should not exceed 12 pounds. Type and quality are of greater importance than weight, and a smaller dog that is sturdy and well proportioned should not be penalized. Proportion - Square, as measured from point of shoulder to rearmost projection of upper thigh and from withers to ground. Substance - Thickset, compact with good balance. Well boned


Neck, Topline, Body








With this breed, you get a big personality in a 5-to-15-pound package. One look into his big, human-like eyes, and you’ll be smitten. Griffs come in four colors—red, black-and-reddish-brown (called belge), black and tan, and black—and in smooth coats (like a Pug) or rough coats (like a Schnauzer). Their black muzzle and whiskers earned them the nickname “bearded dogs” in old folk songs.The Griff’s big black eyes—described as “almost human”—coupled with a fringed beard and mustache covering his short muzzle, gives him the air of a worldly, French-speaking philosopher. Griffs come in four colors—red, black-and-reddish-brown (called belge), black and tan, and black—and in smooth coats or rough coats. The Griff’s body is thickset and sturdy, and he moves with the purposeful trot of a fellow who knows what he wants. Griffs are alert, sociable, and easily trained. Although playful and energetic, their small size and sensitive nature make them a poor choice as roughhousing playmates for kids. They have a low threshold for loneliness and will stick close to their special human, providing years of love and laughter.








Clubs, Registries & Associations

American Canine Association Continental Kennel Club Universal Kennel Club International American Kennel Club United All Breed Registry America's Pet Registry, Inc. United Kennel Club (Based on breed recognition. See store for details on this particular puppy.)




Health Awareness


Exercise/Energy Level

Additional Information

Did you know?

There are three varieties of Griffon: The Brussles Griffon has a wiry coat longer than the Belgian Griffon. The Belgian Griffon has a long, wiry coat with fringe around the face. The Petit Griffon has a short, smooth coat. The AKC recognizes only the Brussels Griffon. A Brussels Griffon was in the movie, "As Good As It Gets", playing Verdell. Verdell was actually six different Brussels Griffons: Timer, Sprout, Debbie, Billy, Parfait, and Jill.