The famously long, low silhouette, ever-alert expression, and bold, vivacious personality of the Dachshund have made him a superstar of the canine kingdom. Dachshunds come in two sizes and in three coat types of various colors and patterns.
Miniature Daschunds come in three coat varieties: smooth, longhaired and wirehaired. Their coat also comes in a variety of colors: red, cream, black and tan, chocolate and tan, blue and tan and isabella and tan. Wirehaired dogs come primarily in wildboar and wheaten (creamish color). Coat patternxs are brindle, dapple (merle) piebald and sable. Miniature Daschunds have small/short legs with a long body. The body of the Miniature Daschund is muscular and elastic. The dog has a well-balanced head with a long keen nose.