Long, broad and powerful, without coarseness. It should, however, be in perfect balance with the body, joining neck smoothly. Length of head roughly three-quarters height at withers, or about an inch longer than neck. Breadth between ears a little less than one-half length of head. Skull - Very slightly domed, with a shallow indentation running down between the brows, and joining the muzzle with a moderate stop. Cheeks - Smoothly formed and flat, without heavy jowls. Jaws - Powerful and square. Bite level or scissors. Overshot or undershot bad faults. Teeth - Sound, strong and white, with canines fitting closely together. Nose - Black, with large nostrils. White, cherry or butterfly bad faults. Eyes - Very dark, deeply set and fairly wide apart, of medium size, oval in shape with keen terrier expression. Light, large or protruding eye bad faults. Lack of eye rim pigmentation not a fault. Ears - Folded level with top of head, with forward edge close to cheek. Well rounded at tip, and of length to reach outer corner of eye. Thin, not t leathery, and of sufficient thickness to avoid creases. Prick, tulip, rose or hound ears bad faults.